An energetic, honest
and independent team

Hervé Lehman

Education : Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM) (National School for Magistrates)
Professional background
Examining magistrate and Secretary General to the President of the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Bobigny. National expert for the Legal Service of the European Commission. Lawyer since 1991.
Client profile : SMEs, major firms
Publications, blogs, presentations
Commentaires des Traités de l’Union (Dalloz Editions), Justice une lenteur coupable (PUF Editions), articles, columns and interviews in the national press (Le Monde, Le Figaro, TV) Participation in work at the Institut Montaigne, member of the Léger Commission (for criminal law reform)
Recent conferences
Cercle d’Ethique des Affaires: the responsibility of Ethics Officers at major firms (2015); AFEC (Association Française d’Etude de la Concurrence): “on bringing an action and on the rights of plaintiffs” (2016); Conference at Recent conferencesCampus (a continuing training event for lawyers held in July 2016) on “whistle blowing and transparency: new legal risks for companies”.

Hervé Lehman is a founding partner of the firm.
He is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM) (National School for Magistrates) and practised as a magistrate for 12 years.
He worked as an examining magistrate from 1982 to 1988 in Soissons and later Bobigny, where he became Secretary General to the President of the regional court (Tribunal de Grande Instance). His years as a magistrate gave him the skill at handling procedure and the reflexes, as a lawyer, which are much appreciated by his clients today, particularly in corporate criminal law.
From 1989-1991 he was appointed as a national expert to the Legal Service of the European Commission. There, he acquired in-depth knowledge of European institutions and practised community law, working on several emblematic cases dealing with competition and distribution law.
Hervé Lehman became a lawyer in 1991. At his firm, he continued to practice areas of law he had worked in as a magistrate, and also worked on important cases in intellectual property, communication and banking and insurance law.
He has published a number of articles on these subjects in legal and economic journals.
He is also the co-author of “Commentaires des traités de l’Union”, (Dalloz Helbing Editions), for which he wrote the section on state subsidies.
In 2002, he published “Justice, une lenteur coupable”, in which he identified a culture of slowness as the major default in the functioning of a justice system completely out of step with the business world. The impact of this work, hailed by magistrates and others, resulted in regular media exposure.
He took part in an Institut Montaigne project to study the functioning of the justice system and was a member of the Léger Commission, authoring a report and proposals on criminal law reform. He regularly organises conferences and training programs for clients.
Hervé Lehman clients are major businesses and institutions. His ability to assist leaders with their legal and judicial strategy has led him to also intervene for SMEs in an advisory capacity and in litigation.
He regularly authors publications, organises conferences for associations, businesses and for training institutes.