Our commitment

Banking and insurance
AVENS assists and represents, in an advisory capacity and litigation, financial institutions, investment or retail banks, insurance companies and pension institutions.

- Assisting investment banks with legal arrangements for their buy-outs.
- Assistance in ensuring the legal safety of investors
- Drafting of contracts, memos and records
- Assistance in checking advertising, communication and marketing campaigns and marketing of banking, financial and insurance products
- Support and assistance for our clients in their relations and negotiations with consumer associations, for example on bank charges
- Audit of legal risks in the pension activity
- Regular training on money laundering or criminal risk for lawyers, operational staff or management of companies in the sector
- Assistance for the implementation of centralised processing of bank customer complaints,for example when a financial investment under-performs
- Recommendations on how to approach a criminal trial (of a pensions firm or bank) depending on the type of offence and its seriousness.
The firm is involved in defence and claim proceedings in banking and insurance law on a daily basis
- Competition: Assistance and representation on state subsidies, abuse of dominant position and price-fixing at European Commission, Office of Fair Trading and Court hearings
- Assistance and representation of institutions before independent public authorities: the AMF (Financial Market Authority), ACP (Bank and Insurance Regulator)
- Corporate criminal law AVENS assists and represents companies in criminal law in the courts as the accused or plaintiff:
- Civil: Assistance and representation in civil or commercial court for litigation involving:
- Contractual liability and tortious liability
- Failure to inform, advise or warn
- Opt-out litigation
- Manifestly excessive premiums
- Implementation of safeguards